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I'm Rod O'Connor from Boulder, CO. My wife Jimmye and I have lived here since 1982. We share our home with our three dogs, Missy, Brandy , and KoKo. Missy passed away in September of 1997. She was our first dog and we really miss her. We now have a new pup named Tippy, who is also a Peekapoo, but mostly Pekinese. She is quite a hand full! We lost Brandy in late 1999 at the age of 15 and a half. In August 2000, we accquired a Chihuahua, Chili, who is a dead ringer for the Taco Bell dog. She is very mischevious and gets into a lot of trouble!
This home page is under construction and and is constantly (more or less!) evolving. Please visit again, and hopefully I'll have added to it! If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, I would love to hear from you. A link to my email address is at the top of this page. If you'd like, you can sign my Guestbook See the link at the bottom of this page.
I like to cruise the web, hike, bike, and lots of other interests. I have worked as a Sr. Failure Analysis Technician at Maxtor in Longmont, CO from October of 1992 until April of 2002 when I was involved in a RIF. Previously I was with Exabyte in Boulder, and, before that, spent 21 years with Ampex Corporation working at various field sites around the country on large scale data storage systems. There is a link to my resume at the bottom of this page.
I have a keen interest in programming, specifically C++ in the Microsoft Visual C++ environment, and I am currently spending many hours improving my skills in this area. I have added a page about my computer experience and interests here: "My Life with Computers"
Jimmye and I also sang in the choir at Grace Lutheran Church in Boulder, which may seem strange as we are Roman Catholic, but it works out well. On Christmas Eve 2000, we performed Vivaldi's "Gloria", and it was a great experience. Our music director, Jean Cioffi, is wonderful to work for, and we have learned a lot from her. We also sang under Jean's direction in the Sacred Heart of Mary Choir for several years, one of the highlights was singing at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Denver in the fall of 1999. We are currently rehearsing Handel's "Messiah" to be performed at Grace Lutheran's annual Spring Concert on May 20th, 2001.
Jimmye is currently enrolled in the Catholic Biblical School, a rigorous four year course. She is just completing her first year this May.
In April of 1995 Jimmye and I both came into the Roman Catholic faith, having started in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) in the fall of 1994. Neither of us had been religious for most of our lives, so this was quite an event. Our parish is Sacred Heart of Mary in Boulder which until just recently was a Benedictine parish (for 112 years), but now is back in the Archdiocese of Denver. Our two beloved Benedictine priests, Fr. Andrew Kemberling, O.S.B.and Fr. Paul Montez, O.S.B. have gone on to other assignments. Our new pastor is Fr. Dorino De Lazzer.
In February of 1997 I became an Oblate Novice to the Benedictine Abbey of St. Walburga, a convent of 24 nuns whose Abbey was on the same property as our parish. They have since relocated to Virginia Dale, CO a few miles south of the Wyoming border to find a more peaceful setting. I spent much of the summer of 1997 helping the sisters relocate to the north. In August of 1998 I made my final oblation in Virginia Dale.
On November 7.1999, We were blessed to attend the Dedication and Blessing of the new Abbey and Abbey Church, Mary, Mother of God. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput was the main celebrant, and it was a very memorable day! A link to the Abbey's Web site can be found at the bottom of this page.
We have prayed this prayer at the end of Mass for the last several years we have been in our contsruction project, which is now successfully completed. I hope you will make it your own:
Father, May everything we do begin with your inspiration And continue with your saving help. Let our work always find its origin in you and through you reach completion.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.
Saint Benedict, pray for us
God Bless,
Roderick Benedict O'Connor, Oblate, O.S.B.
Visitors since 9/3/96
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